How to use Gregorian Chant Propers
Gregorian chant is typically written in square notation making use of neumes. This form of musical notation has become nearly obsolete in our modern time. Yet, this modern notation is, in truth, unable...
View ArticleIntroits for Epiphanytide
These are the introits for the Feast of Epiphany and the Sundays that follow. There are only three Sundays after Epiphany, since the third Sunday’s introit is repeated for the remaining Sundays. The...
View ArticleIntroit confusion for Christmas-Epiphany
Here is a list of occasions on which one might want to hold Divine Service, all falling between Christmas Eve and Epiphany. Beneath each is a list of Lutheran chant books and hymnals, and which (if...
View ArticleIntroits for the days after Christmas, and more!
Here are introits for the days following Christmas (St. John coming soon I hope). For those celebrating Divine Service for Holy Innocents tomorrow, here’s a special bonus: Gradual & Alleluia! The...
View ArticleGesima Introits
Here they are: Introits for Septuagesima, Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima. The Gesimas are an important part of the Church Year, most especially in the Lutheran tradition which celebrates our Lord’s...
View ArticleThe Purification of Mary and its Propers
Candlemas, Presentation of our Lord, Groundhog day…. 16th century Lutheran chant anthologies only call it the Purification of Mary, though Matthäus Ludecus notes that it was also called Liechtmes in...
View ArticlePropers for Quadragesima (Lent)
Here are the introits for the six Sundays in Lent. Note on the text: Laetare features an antiphon drawn from Isaiah 66:10-11. The text of the common service omits a portion of verse 11 that is retained...
View ArticleThe Annunciation of Mary the Virgin
Two introits are given in the texts of the common service for the Annunciation. The first corresponds to non-martyr virgins in the Roman liber usualis. The second is the introit for the Fourth Sunday...
View ArticleEaster Introit
Here’s the introit for the Resurrection of our Lord. Apologies on not getting Maundy Thursday’s introit up in time. Next year! Easter
View ArticleA Long and Fruitful Honeymoon
…at least productive musically. Here are the introits for the Sundays after Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, and the First-Eighth Sundays after. Hopefully we’ll remain caught up from here on out....
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